
I live in the Columbia River Gorge, in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, and I take inspiration from the fragments of Ancient Forest that still exist here.  Writing and painting have always been intertwined in my process, but it was painting that I first identified as my mode of expression, and considered to be “my work.”  Recently I’ve been writing more poetry, which flows from my process when I paint, and from just wanting to express things in words. 

I paint with transparent watercolors on cotton watercolor paper. The work itself involves watching, waiting, and layering: water and paint. When the paintings are finished, I mount them onto professional wood panels.  Then to protect them, I wax and/ or varnish them.

My purpose in this life is to convey my love for Ancient Forests and bring that love into people’s homes and lives. This is a constant theme for both my writing and art. Please receive my gratitude for connecting with my work in this way.

There is a Forest
in me... it is all I see
It is all I see
— Venka Payne